Holiday Serenity

Take a moment for yourself and your body.

Put a drop of Peace and Calm essential oil on your wrists, grab a yoga mat or just a good spot on the floor, and make yourself a priority. Take a moment to check in with your body; see how each part is feeling. Then once you have accessed, make a plan.

Your plan can look at simple as:

  1. My emotions are haywire, I am going to take time with my body. Moving it through a sun salutations flow and focusing on only my breath and nothing else.

  2. I have many things to accomplish in the weeks to come. I am going to make sure I am consistent with taking Stress Essentials Serenity and my Fruits and Greens, so my body has the support it needs to thrive through this time.

  3. End of day exhaustion. I am going to shut my brain off because the day happened as it was meant to, and I am going to get much needed rest. You can get assistance from BrainTap to wind down your mind if you feel like you just can’t turn it off.

  • If you are curious about the products mentioned in this blog, stop by either our Bismarck or Linton location to purchase. Our essential oils are 15% off for the month of December.