Gratitude and Chiropractic
Have you spent the time in the past to build a great habit in your life and wondered whether it was doing anything positive for your life anymore, because you have become so accustomed to the way you feel? Think about any positive habit you have developed, whether it was walking the perimeter at the grocery store, saying “I love you” at the end of the phone call, doing squats while brushing your teeth, etc. Think about your own personal, positive habits that you have developed, and can honestly do without even thinking, without putting any effort in, because it is what you do. You may not be seeing the compounding effects of them at this point, but do you quit doing them? The benefits of your healthy lifestyle changes are not always astounding at first, and the benefits may not show to be astounding right now. However, when we look back on the last 5 years of your life, have these little daily habits affected your life for the better? Most likely it is yes. This is something to be grateful for!
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secrets of your success is found in your daily routine. - John Maxwell
The chiropractic lifestyle can look like this. As you improve your health and make it a priority, routine chiropractic care begins to become an asset, an investment in our health. A balanced nervous system expresses health and vitality, which is the goal of chiropractic! It’s amazing at first and we are so grateful for the service, the benefits, and the health we gain. With time however, we can begin to wonder, “Is this doing anything anymore?” or “ Is this necessary for the wellbeing of me or my family?” I get it! I have been there! Not only with chiropractic care, but most healthy habits that take time, effort, and money. Easy to want to throw in the towel. It’s at these times, we must reflect on our health journey and be grateful for the things that not only helped us get to this point, but the things that will continue to move us in a positive direction. Don’t give up on the mundane things that work!!!
Show gratitude for all the things, big and small, that have transformed you to be who you are today. - Dr. Josi
We are grateful for all the patients who continue to trust us with their health. The work we do is changing families, communities, and the world by helping people be the best versions of themselves, because they are expressing vitality and health through their nervous systems. Remember, every visit, you walk out healthier than when you came into the practice. Be grateful and go forth and spread the word of where your health is because of all the efforts you put in routinely. So very grateful to be in this community with you!
With Gratitude,
Dr. Josi