It's Decision Time

Decision making, am I right? It gives me nervous energy.

From ‘what should I accomplish today’, to ‘what/where should we eat’, and all the way down to ‘do I really need it?’ I can stress myself out. Which keeps me in fight or flight for longer than I should be, or longer than my body can handle.

A new practice I have been trying is visualization. If I am choosing what I want for dinner, first I think about only me and what I want to eat. Don’t take in consideration everyone in your house. Start with you and go from there. It makes everything so much easier when negotiations come in to play.

Another practice I have been trying is feeling it out. Today me may have very different plans than “tomorrow me.” So even though today me may want to clean and reorganize the entire house, “tomorrow me” might wake up and say just rest and take it easy. Don’t let it stress you out if “tomorrow you” doesn’t feel like doing what today you had planned. Take the day as it is, and enjoy whatever your body is telling you.

You can have daily checklists and you can weekly or monthly menu plans, BUT if you feel stressed out about it then take one day or even fifteen minutes at a time.