Food Overindulgence

And all the food is gone =) It was delicious and merry and bright, and your tummy feels like an inflated balloon of joy. Do not feel guilty! Just get back on track and help your body 

Flush the Monster Out 

It's always water, at least 8oz a day. However, if you want to switch it up with some homemade juice, I say go for it. Juice will rehydrate and replenish your vitamins and minerals more than water. Plus, as a bonus both juice or water help push out everything your body does not need.  

*The juice I am talking about is NOT store boughten. I recommend homemade because of no added sugars or preservatives or absorbed plastic toxins. 

Rest and Recover 

Not only is your body exhausted from processing all the food, but there is also emotional stimulus from festivities, work, or just busy schedules. Zone in on you. Try and get some quiet meditation time with a side of diaphragm breathing, and as always catch some zzz’s. My favorite rest and recover right now is, playing my steel tongue drum

Eat Calming Foods 

Give your kidneys a break. Smoothies, soups, or single foods will not require as much steam from your body to process. These will also be easier for your body to absorb since there isn’t as much break down time. The easier the absorption the more energy your body gets and the sooner you recover. 

*By single foods I mean just eating an apple or just eating a banana (the less variety the easier it is on the body to separate and absorb)